The Not-So Triumphant Return

20 Feb

You may have noticed my disappearance.

I’d like to tell you that it’s because I was doing SO much exercise and SO much awesome calorie counting that I am now a size 2, yet somehow still manage to be chesty.  I want to tell you that I’ve been busy taking this hot bod out for a stroll, strutting and shimmying (only on Tuesdays) my way about college towns in the greater pacific northwest…

At the beginning of this school term (January), I was so revved up for weight loss and exercise.  I was making progress, really sticking to my plan and feeling great.  In addition, I had taken on some new responsibilities at work and was feeling really good about life.  However, as is the fashion in Oregon, the rain came in and stuck around and I hit a slump. 

What I wasn’t prepared for was the reality of what “the slump” was.  At this exact same time, I had been introduced to three new medications.  Being raised by a vaguely hippie Santa Cruz mama, I have never done well when introduced to medications.  Every potential side effect is a sure thing, and each one lingers longer than it is supposed to.  Any slight alteration in the medication (dosage, time taken) and my body flips out.

What I didn’t notice was that my body was flipping out in a new way.  First came the headaches.  Those were quickly followed by the fatigue, the aches, the mood swings and the inability to focus.  There was also a dash of tremors, shakiness and blurred vision.  In my mind all these things were  due to the weather, my needing new contacts or even just being stressed from work.  Everything but the meds.

Maybe I was being hopeful.  I mean, nobody wants to be a guinea pig for pills, right?  I’ve been trying to figure out the right balance for over ten years now and I’m just at this point where feeling like I was unmotivated to be dieting seemed better than my actually having to deal with all this again.

Anyway, I’m back and in a more realistic place now.  I have actually not gained any weight.  I’m still dieting but making sure I’m tracking all my nutrition.  I’m still feeling really tired and my doctor said the fatigue will go away soon.  I’m impatient, I suppose.  So, I’m taking things slowly and getting on track. 

I’m back.  Consider yourselves warned. 

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